About Dr. Laura:

Bringing nearly 25 years of expertise as an Industrial/Organizational and Career Psychologist and pioneer on the future of work, Dr. Laura helps organizations evolve their cultures, and leaders and employees to thrive in their work and lives.

She shares her expertise through keynote speaking, the Where Work Meets LifeTM podcast, strategic career coaching, and writing articles and books.

Episode Notes:

Dr. Laura’s 25 years of experience in career psychology informs this episode’s discussion about career development trends and how you can take charge of your career.  Dr. Laura shares how she chose to specialize in career development when she obtained her Master’s in Counseling Psychology and how that led her to found Canada Career Counseling.

In referencing the Psychological Contract: A Paradigm Shift, Dr. Laura breaks down how the old contract for obtaining and maintaining a career has given way to an entirely new contract and what that means. Defining how we individually see success is now as important as evaluating exactly what we want to do with our time. A great deal of our career satisfaction comes from understanding who we are: what our skills and strengths are, what values we hold, and our interests and passions. Dr. Laura explains how these things shape us and why they are vital to our personal and professional fulfillment and growth.

“Covid brought on a lot of people reconsidering: what do I want to do? … And do I want a job that feels meaningless and doesn’t give me purpose? Or do I want to have a job that I feel makes some sort of difference to humanity? A difference in the world, whether that’s helping others, helping the environment, whether it’s innovating to make our lives easier, whether it’s exciting technology development. Different strokes for different folks. But it’s important to understand this great re-evaluation is still happening and the quiet quitting movement is where people are feeling less attached to work. They’re feeling [that] maybe what they’re doing is no longer meaningful and they’re figuring out a higher purpose.” Dr. Laura

Note: If you wish to see the images Dr. Laura references, this episode can also be found on her YouTube channel here.


Learn more about Dr. Laura on her website: https://drlaura.live

For more resources, look into Dr. Laura’s organizations:

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