About Dr. Laura:

Bringing nearly 25 years of expertise as an Industrial/Organizational and Career Psychologist and pioneer on the future of work, Dr. Laura helps organizations evolve their cultures, and leaders and employees to thrive in their work and lives.

She shares her expertise through keynote speaking, the Where Work Meets LifeTM podcast, strategic career coaching, and writing articles and books.

Episode Notes:

Dr. Laura addresses the topic of burnout in this episode, defining exactly what it is and describing the workplace symptoms that can contribute to it. Burnout is not a category of mental disorder or a formal medical diagnosis but instead a stress response to toxic and suboptimal working conditions. How can it be prevented? Dr. Laura shares her insight. 

The quick fixes that organizations implement to combat burnout don’t proactively solve the problem.  As good as a wellness program and yoga class can be, it won’t fix the root cause of employee burnout. Dr. Laura breaks down all the signs of a toxic workplace: the types of dysfunctional dynamics that directly contribute to burnout. She also explains how organizations can find out about those toxic symptoms in order to address them at the root. There is a responsibility on companies and leaders to eliminate the systemic issues leading to burnout so healthier and more productive workforces can be cultivated. Dr. Laura’s expertise in organizational psychology shines a light on how this might be accomplished. 

“… basically burnout is a result of suboptimal working conditions. Too often we’ll put the blame on the individual and we’ll say, well, that individual, that person, they’re just not coping very well with the workload. Or maybe they have a lot going on in their personal lives, and that’s why they’re burnt out. That’s not actually the case. When we look at burnout, we have to put a lot of weight into the workplace situation that the person is finding themselves in … ” Dr. Laura

Note: If you wish to see the images Dr. Laura references, this episode can also be found on her YouTube channel here.


Learn more about Dr. Laura on her website: https://drlaura.live

For more resources, look into Dr. Laura’s organizations:

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