About Dr. Laura:


Dr. Laura Hambley Lovett helps organizations and people to grow and thrive, using the principles of organizational psychology. Through leading, speaking, writing, coaching, and mentoring, she is driven to help people flourish in their work and life.

Speaking with passion on topics that make a difference to organizations and people’s lives is a key focus. Dr. Laura makes complex topics simple and practical, based on evidence from psychology. As an engaging and dynamic speaker, she has spoken globally about addressing the challenges of remote and hybrid work, maintaining work-life wellness and mental health, and leading through turbulent times.

Fascinated by how work intersects with life, she started her podcast, Where Work Meets Life™, so she could interview experts and broadcast insights on thriving workplaces, work-life wellness, and career fulfillment. She is honored to have 1000s of listeners around the world, inspiring them to flourish in their work and their lives.

As an entrepreneur, Laura has launched several counselling psychology practices since 2009, including Calgary Career Counselling, Canada Career Counselling, and Synthesis Psychology. Her team helps 1000s of people throughout Canada.

Outside of work, she serves on non-profit committees and boards focused on ending violence against girls and women, as well as growing confidence and leadership skills in children and youth. She has a lively household with her husband, three children & dog. 

Episode Notes:

Dr. Laura shares insights from her pioneering research around the future of work in this episode. The research topic for her doctorate was on leading dispersed teams, and she also researched telework adoption in the days before Zoom became ubiquitous. Drawing from that experience and the realities of working today, Dr. Laura talks about themes she’s observing and the idea of workplace flexibility. She explains the significant benefits and unique challenges of flexible work locations.

Working humans are diverse in their personalities and preferences; there will always be situations that work better for some people and don’t work for others. For example, we are all on a scale of how much we tend to procrastinate – from quick starters to those who struggle to begin a project or task – recognizing these differences and implementing tools to assist in overcoming them is part of what needs to be considered in remote work. Dr. Laura discusses how, in her field of organizational psychology, she has studied what factors or traits and skills give someone the ability to be an effective remote leader. She explores the support structure that hybrid work requires and how to move past the rigid office structure of the past.  

“… a few things are for sure in my mind. One is that flexibility is a top motivator for a large number of humans … I think having had a taste of greater flexibility, to take that away is like taking away a gift. It’s like saying: here’s the gift, unwrap it. You like it? Okay, well, you liked it, but I’m going to retract that gift. What’s going to happen is people are going to shop around for places where they can get that gift of flexibility back.” Dr. Laura


Learn more about Dr. Laura on her website: https://drlaura.live

For more resources, look into Dr. Laura’s organizations:

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